Available since v. 2.15.0

  • Added space export/import REST APIs

Available since v. 2.18.0

  • Export space is available to all users with space export permission

Available since v. 2.36.0

  • Export space - added new flags multiple and synchronous

  • Import space - added new flag synchronous

Export space


Available only for Confluence Administrator

Available to all users with space EXPORT permission

Available only for Confluence Administrator

Available to all users with space EXPORT permission

Method type: 

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/export/space/{SPACE_KEY}

  • where {SPACE_KEY} is the space key

Request format: JSON

Example request:

    "exportType": "XML",
    "exportComments": true,
    "exportAttachments": true
    "exportType": "HTML"
    "exportType": "XML",
    "exportComments": true,
    "exportAttachments": true,
    "multiple": true
    "exportType": "HTML"
    "synchronous": true
  • exportType - required - export type - XML or HTML

  • exportComments - optional - export comments flag - true or false (default)

  • exportAttachments - optional - export comments flag - true or false (default)

  • multiple - optional - skip checking another export task, which allows you to start exporting another space at the same time - true or false (default)

  • synchronous - optional - the export will be performed synchronously - true or false (default)

Response format: JSON

Example response:

    "message": "writing export",
    "taskId": "95d6a1d3-0bd2-401b-8288-057e022c6475",
    "status": "in progress"
    "message": "another export is in progress",
    "taskId": "4f3a1aec-5493-4049-8e54-54563c19a971",
    "status": "waiting"

Check export task status


Available only for Confluence Administrator

Available only for Confluence Administrator

Method type: 

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/export/task/{TASK_ID}

  • where {TASK_ID} is the task id from export api (example: 4f3a1aec-5493-4049-8e54-54563c19a971)

Response format: JSON

Example response:

    "isSuccessful": true,
    "currentStatus": "Starting... ",
    "percentageComplete": 0,
    "name": "Export Space",
    "prettyTimeRemaining": "Unknown",
    "isComplete": false,
    "prettyElapsedTime": "12 seconds"
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "currentStatus": "Writing export",
    "percentageComplete": 36,
    "name": "Export Space",
    "prettyTimeRemaining": "20 seconds",
    "isComplete": false,
    "prettyElapsedTime": "11 seconds"
    "fileName": "Confluence-space-export-105420-1762.html.zip",
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "downloadPath": "/confluence/download/temp/htmlexport-20210410-105400-1761/Confluence-space-export-105420-1762.html.zip",
    "currentStatus": "Export complete. Download <a class=\"space-export-download-path\" href=\"/confluence/download/temp/htmlexport-20210410-105400-1761/Confluence-space-export-105420-1762.html.zip\">here</a>.",
    "percentageComplete": 100,
    "name": "Export Space",
    "prettyTimeRemaining": "Unknown",
    "isComplete": true,
    "prettyElapsedTime": "25 seconds"
    "fileName": "Confluence-space-export-113149-3510.html.zip",
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "downloadPath": "/confluence/download/temp/htmlexport-20210410-113127-3509/Confluence-space-export-113149-3510.html.zip",
    "currentStatus": "Export complete. Download <a class=\"space-export-download-path\" href=\"/confluence/download/temp/htmlexport-20210410-113127-3509/Confluence-space-export-113149-3510.html.zip\">here</a>.",
    "percentageComplete": 100,
    "name": "Export Space",
    "prettyTimeRemaining": "Unknown",
    "isComplete": true,
    "prettyElapsedTime": "30 seconds"

Import space


Available only for Confluence Administrator

Available only for Confluence Administrator

Method type: 

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/import/file

Request format: JSON

Example request:

    "fileName": "Confluence-space-export-113149-3510.zip",
    "reindex": true
    "fileName": "Example_file.zip"
    "fileName": "Confluence-space-export-113149-3510.zip",
    "reindex": true,
    "synchronous": true
  • fileName - required - space export file name from <confluence-home>/restore directory

  • reindex - optional - reindex flag - true or false (default) - this will perform a full reindex of your site immediately after the space or site file is imported

  • synchronous - optional - the import will be performed synchronously - true or false (default)

Response format: JSON

Example response:

    "message": "importing file",
    "taskId": "2d7c282e-a256-46cf-9d88-a0af0d15a735",
    "status": "in progress"
    "message": "another import is in progress",
    "taskId": "49d53b5f-a87b-4e6c-bd81-d51203aba04c",
    "status": "waiting"
    "message": "unexpected import zip file contents: Confluence-space-export-113149-3510.html.zip",
    "status": "canceled"

Check import task status


Available only for Confluence Administrator

Available only for Confluence Administrator

Method type: 

URL: {CONFLUENCE_URL}/rest/extender/1.0/import/task/{TASK_ID}

  • where {TASK_ID} is the task id from import api (example: e142839b-babf-4326-8d34-c7e2ba275c3f)

Response format: JSON

Example response:

    "isSuccessful": true,
    "currentStatus": "Complete.",
    "percentageComplete": 100,
    "name": "Importing data",
    "prettyTimeRemaining": "Unknown",
    "isComplete": true,
    "prettyElapsedTime": "1 minute, 32 seconds"
    "isSuccessful": false,
    "currentStatus": "Import failed. Check your server logs for more information. com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.ImportExportException: Unable to complete import because the data does not match the constraints in the Confluence schema. Cause: JdbcSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Unique index or primary key violation: \"PUBLIC.UK_JP1AD5YUFSIH5R7LQRYGAKPUG_INDEX_9 ON PUBLIC.SPACES(SPACEKEY) VALUES 1540099\"; SQL statement:\ninsert into SPACES (SPACENAME, SPACEKEY, LOWERSPACEKEY, SPACEDESCID, HOMEPAGE, CREATOR, CREATIONDATE, LASTMODIFIER, LASTMODDATE, SPACETYPE, SPACESTATUS, SPACEID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [23505-200]",
    "percentageComplete": 0,
    "name": "Importing data",
    "prettyTimeRemaining": "Unknown",
    "isComplete": false,
    "prettyElapsedTime": "7 seconds"